SLEEVE: NM MEDIA: NM YEAR: 2019 ORIGIN: US COLOUR: Green/Black Galaxy Swirl
Full upon Her Burning Lips is the ninth studio album by American band Earth. It was released on May 24, 2019 through Sargent House.
Full Upon Her Burning Lips is more than just a return to a classic sound. There are enough surprises here that what could’ve been just a comfortable glance backward. That’s clearest on “The Colour of Poison,” which opens with a rare Carlson move: chopping up chords rather than letting them ring out, which in the Earth universe counts as a seismic event. But a few minutes in, he turns back with a riff that ranks among the band’s most overtly Sabbath-styled.
John Peel’s iconic assessment of the all-time kings of repetition, the Fall, is apt here: “They are always different, they are always the same.” It’s a big thing to say about any band, but in the 30 years since Carlson first struck an Earth chord, he and Davies have earned it.